Microsoft Office 2007 Learning Essentials 2.0

Learning Essentials for Microsoft Office 2.0 provides education-specific tools for students and educators to get the most out of their familiar Microsoft Office applications. Curriculum-based templates and toolbars for Microsoft Office Word, the Microsoft Office PowerPoint® presentation graphics program and Microsoft Office Excel® spreadsheet software help students and educators get started, stay organized and successfully complete high-quality work.
Learning Essentials 2.0 includes SCORM (Sharable Content Object Reference Model) tools for authoring additional content and e-learning resources, a smaller network-based installation and centralized server administration.
Educator and Student Centers
Centers enable educators and students to start common assignments and tasks quickly through a customizable interface.
that appear automatically with specific templates bring together Office resources and commands for writing, presentations, math and science, and foreign languages.
Provide academic guidance for students and best practices for educators while they complete their work.
for Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint help educators and students get beyond the blank page and produce high-quality work.
Side-by-side Project Assistance gives "just in time" guidance and coaching from leading education publishers and expert Microsoft Office users. Handy Checklists help track progress within an assignment.
SCORM Tools seamlessly convert Microsoft Office documents into standards-based objects that can be managed and reused by any SCORM-conformant learning management system. (Available for English, French, German, Italian, Norwegian and Spanish language versions only.)