Thursday, January 15, 2009

Visual Basic PowerWrap v4.3

This powerful utility allows developers to distribute their programs easier than ever before. Developed to help Visual Basic programmers distribute their executable file(s) without worrying about runtime dependencies, VB-PowerWrap allows you to package all .dll's and .ocx's, as well as other dependent or non-dependent files inside the executable of your Visual Basic program, with no setup or installation to run.

What's new in Version 4.0
- You can now wrap any executable. Just add the executable, right click and select "Wrap this executable".
- Ccontrol the compression level of your executable.
- Startup speed improved.
- "Test" button added.
- Interface updated, along with a number of small bug fixes

VB-PowerWrap allows developers to distribute their programs without the host of various OCX's and DLL's. Developed to help Visual Basic programmers distribute their executable file(s) without worrying about runtime dependencies, VB-PowerWrap allows you to package all .dll's and .ocx's inside the executable of your VB program, with no setup or installation to run.

VB-PowerWrap scans a Visual Basic project, wraps the appropriate files, and creates a self-contained file for distribution. Powerful compression creates the smallest .exe possible.

VB-PowerWrap features:
- Compresses all DLL's and OCX's
- Registers appropriate controls on user's machine if needed
- No runtime headaches
- Automatically scans your project for DLLs and OCXs.
- Works with Visual Basic 4, 5 and 6

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