11 best windows media player skins
Windows Media Player is Microsoft's first real foray into the skinning scene. WMP can play almost all audio and video files and has a very robust skinning engine built into its core.
With skins, you can easily customize the look of Windows Media Player to match your mood. Skins are quick and easy to download, and they automatically install directly in your Player. It's easy to switch back and forth between skins by clicking Skin Chooser in the View menu of Windows Media Player 10 or later.
How To Create Windows Media Player Skins
Now u can create skins on ur own ..It’s a bit of a complicated process, but it’s very similar to designing a web page using raw html and javascript code. So let’s get started. WMP uses a conjunction of many image files and one code file, with the file extension ”.wms” (windows media skin). The code file is basically a bracket system, very similar to html, to define areas of every skin. You will be using the windows notepad to construct most of the skin, and saving the file with a .wms extension. The first few sets of brackets have to be in every skin in order for them to even work, so I’ll put the code up here for you. Anything in bold can be changed to whatever you want (for now, once you get a more advanced understanding of how WMP skins work, then everything is fair game. For now though, follow what I say and everything will work.)
That will give you the most basic of skins. No buttons, no elements (what things such as the playlist and video are referred to as), no nothing. Just a background image ( background.bmp : and I recommend using bmp for your background images, because unlike jpg or other image types, bmp defines exact colors for every pixel, which is needed when you do skins without square edges). Speaking of transparency, if you want to have an edge on the skin that has any king of curve, you need to have a background color of green. Pure hex #00FF00 Green. It’s important also that you learn hex colors when working with WMP skins, you can familiarize yourself with them in photoshop’s color chooser if you don’t already have them.