Friday, January 30, 2009

ChrisTV Online v2.60

Using ChrisTV Online! you will gain access to more than 1800+ TV channels and
600+ radio stations from all over the globe (more than 100 countries).
Get connected to one of the largest channels database and receive updates periodically.
As a bonus we have added to ChrisTV Online!’s channels database access to online
streams with music video clips plus movie trailers just to keep you entertained
to the maximum.

The range of ChrisTV Online!’s TV channels and Radio stations is wide and you
can find from News, Music, Sports, Religion, Education to Entertaiment Channels

ChrisTV Online! interface offers you fast and easy access to all channels available
in our database through the Channels List panel, where you can :
-Group channels by Country,
-Group channels by Type,
-Group channels by Category,
-Group channels by Language,
-Group channels by Station Name.

To gain fast access to your favorite TV channel or Radio station, you can add
them to ChrisTV Online! Favorites List, which provides the same grouping feature
as with the Channels List.

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