Micro-Sys A1 Sitemap Generator 1.7.9
Micro-Sys A1 Sitemap Generator 1.7.9 | 3.6 MB
Why you will choose A1 Sitemap Generator Have you been looking for the best sitemap generator with the most complete set of tools and advantages above any other? Our website crawler will find all pages within your website as it can handle all kinds of links and redirects. Neither the HTML tag nor any variation of valid link addresses will confuse it. Enable a few options and our sitemap generator can find links in and many other HTML tags. You can also have it process all kinds of CSS file references and most Javascript generated links.
The high performance website scanning engine is able to sustain a high speed, even when crossing 10.000 and 100.000 pages. Do you have websites larger than that? No problem, you can configure our website crawler and tune its speed and memory usage to handle much larger websites.
Create all kinds of sitemaps including text, HTML, RSS and XML using our sitemapper tool. It is easy to use, yet highly configurable when you need it. You can create HTML sitemaps fully customizable with multiple columns and pages using the HTML sitemap generator. Are you more interested in creating XML sitemaps? The XML sitemap builder can calculate priority values for all pages in your website when creating the XML sitemap.
Is automation of tasks important to you? With this sitemap generator you can automate and schedule the whole process of creating sitemaps: Scan website, create sitemaps, create robots.txt, upload sitemaps and ping search engines to inform them about updated XML sitemaps.