World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade
In World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade, players will be able to advance their characters up to level 70, unlocking a world of power and possibilities along the way. Additional features coming in The Burning Crusade include two new playable races (the Blood Elves and the Draenei), flying mounts, new talents and abilities for all character classes, the new jewelcrafting profession, new magical weapons and armor, and many enhancements to player-vs.-player action. The expansion will also lead veteran players through the fabled Dark Portal and into Outland, former homeworld of the Orcs and site of a series of cataclysmic events that helped shape the history of the WarcraftO universe. In this shattered world, players will encounter new challenges and dangers in the form of new outdoor zones, quests, dungeons, never-before-seen monsters, and much more. Over the course of their new adventures in The Burning Crusade, players will grow in experience and power as they uncover the rich lore and mysteries of Outland and do battle with the demonic forces of The Burning Legion.
* An increase in the level cap to 70
* Two new playable races, including the magical Blood Elves
* New starting zones in Quel'Thalas and beyond
* The entire new continent of Outland, reachable through the Dark Portal
* Many new high-level dungeons to explore in Azeroth, Outland, and elsewhere
* New flying mounts in Outland
* Many new and dangerous monsters, including epic world bosses
* Hundreds of new quests
* Hundreds of new items
* A new profession: Jewelcrafting Socketed items
* And much, much more...
Hardware Requirements
Windows® System 98/ME/2000/XP OS: 800 MHz or higher CPU 256 MB or more of RAM 32 MB 3D graphics card with hardware transform and lighting, such as GeForce 2 or better 4 GB or more of available hard drive space DirectX® 9.0c or above A 56k or higher modem with an Internet connection 4x CD-ROM drive Mac® System OS X 10.3.5 OS or newer: 933 MHz or higher G4 or G5 processor 512 MB RAM or higher; DDR RAM recommended ATI or NVIDIA video hardware with 32 MB VRAM or more 4 GB or more of available hard drive space 56k or higher modem with an Internet connection 4x CD-ROM drive