Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Drive Green 1.0

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No job is too big or small! Bale hay, mow fairways, plant soybeans or corn, spray or harvest corn and more - it's up to you to do the job right!See what you can do with 500 horsepower of Green Machine!

John Deere: Drive Green Game Features

* Drive any of the great John Deere vehicles or equipment you own. Buy additional equipment with Deere Dollars you earn from helping local farmers
* Choose from over 15 John Deere vehicles and implements including the 9860 STS Combine, 8530 Tractor and 4930 Sprayer.
* Complete each job with precision and efficiency to receive bonus Deere Dollars. A job well done is a job well paid.
* Grab your gloves and hat and hop on an authentic John Deere branded equipment.
* Collect and use Deere Dollars to unlock vehicles and implements for your farm.

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